Last year Scott County High School participated in a peanut butter drive for the Northwest Christian Haiti Mission. You can follow up on their ministries and any updates on their website. Last year we were able to collect 500 jars of peanut butter to send down to the people of Haiti. However, with the earthquake that has hit recently we feel it is even more important to raise more than last year. This year our goal is 3 million jars for the 3 million people that live there. Many people in Haiti do not have refrigeration units in their homes and peanut butter is an excellent source of protein that does not need to be refrigerated and will keep for an extended amount of time. Contact us for more information on how you can help.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Day of the Drive

We have been promoting the drive heavily over the past few days. Today is the first official day of the drive but jars have already been coming in left and right. It is great to see the students bringing peanut butter today and hearing all the positive feedback. We do not have an exact count yet after the first day but a rough estimate would be around 600 jars, which is a nice way to start off the drive on the first day. While this is still a long way from our goal the positive feedback and the partnerships we have made will help us reach our goal. Schools within the county have offered to participate in the peanut butter drive and raise both money and jars which we are so happy to hear. Also, school systems outside of the county have agreed to participate in the peanut butter drive as we try to reach our goal of 3 million. With the help of all of you and the help of school systems and companies outside of the community of Georgetown/Scott County we should start to see a rapid increase in the number of jars we are receiving.

Also I would like to thank the following companies for collecting peanut butter or being a drop off point for the peanut butter so far:

Theatres of Georgetown
Hair Worx
La-Z-Boy in Lexington
Christian Broadcasting Systems


  1. Central Ky Veterinary Center is a drop off point as well.

  2. Shelby went to Senator Thayer on Monday, requesting help from our Ky Legislatures who are in session for th enext 60 days. Senator Thayer siad he would recommend a proclammation and donated a jar of peanut butter... organic!
